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Top CA firms in Ahmedabad, Gujarat
M. S. Chhajed & Co. is one of the leading multi-disciplinary Top Chartered Accountants firm in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Founded in 1988, the Accounting firms in Gujarat specializes in areas such as audit, assurance services, Tax Structuring Services, tax dispute resolution, foreign exchange regulation, project finance and corporate laws.
Over the last three decades, we have worked with a variety of clients – start-ups, small & medium enterprises, large Indian corporates and multinational companies.
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Transfer Pricing
Benchmarking and transfer pricing studies, documentation, planning and advisory
Commercial and Legal Assistance
Business model building, assistance for agreements and in negotiations
A independent member of PrimeGlobal
PrimeGlobal is one of the 5 largest associations of independent accounting firms in the world, comprised of approximately 300 highly successful independent public accounting firms in over 90 countries. PrimeGlobal’s independent member firms house a combined total of over 2,100 partners, 24,000 employees.


FMCG, Medicines & Pharmaceuticals


Banking and Microfinance


Government Agencies and Conglomerates

Engineering and Consultancy

Internet and E-commerce

Renewable Energy


Chemicals and Dyes

Gems and Jewellery


Real Estate



Iron and Steel

Relief from GST brouhaha-Solar Industry
Under the leadership of our Hon’ble Prime Minister, India is undertaking the largest renewable capacity expansion programme in the world....
Relaxation in Due Dates
Amidst the global pandemic and with phase wise re-opening of the economy, the Central Board of Direct Taxes has extended...
Tax Collected at Source on Sale of Goods
Vide Finance Act, 2020, new clause (1H) has been inserted in section 206C of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (“the...
Doing Business in India
This guide has been prepared by M.S. Chhajed & Co. with the intent to giving stakeholders an overview of the...
Equalisation Levy
Business in today’s digital age is to a significant extent agnostic to geographicalboundaries. New and innovative business models have the...